Adrenal Insufficiency and Addison Disease

Adrenal Insufficiency and Addison Disease Lab Tests and health information

Are you or someone you know suffering from adrenal insufficiency?

Our adrenal insufficiency testing can give you an accurate reading of the health of your adrenal glands, with results sent confidentially online in 1 to 2 days. 

Adrenal insufficiency is an autoimmune disease that causes the adrenal glands to stop producing enough cortisol. It can be caused by genetic mutations, autoimmune diseases, and infections. The most common symptoms of Addison's Disease are fatigue, muscle weakness, weight loss, and low blood pressure. If left untreated, it can lead to shock and death. We offer lab tests for Addison's Disease and Adrenal Insufficiency, so you can quickly understand your health!

You may need treatment if your symptoms are severe or if they last for more than a few weeks. Treatment involves replacing the hormones that your body isn't making with medications called corticosteroids such as hydrocortisone or prednisone. These drugs help control inflammation and suppress immune system activity that could otherwise damage tissues throughout your body, including organs like the kidneys and lungs. They also help regulate blood sugar levels, so you don't develop diabetes mellitus type 1 from lack of cortisol production by the adrenal gland.

If you want to learn more about adrenal insufficiency or Addison's Disease and the lab tests that can help you, click on the title of the articles below.

We understand how important it is to know if you have adrenal insufficiency or Addison disease, so we made the order process easy with affordable lab tests listed below.

You don't have to go anywhere else: You can order online today, have your specimen taken at a nearby lab, and get your results back in 1-2 business days for most tests!

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Adrenal glands are small but play a big role in everyday life. They produce several hormones, most notably cortisol. Cortisol handles the "fight or flight" response and is how the body responds to stress.

Early Adrenal Disease Tests can track your hormone levels and determine if your hormones are out of balance. These tests are convenient and provide you with the health information you need.

Understanding the Adrenal Glands

The adrenal glands are located in the midsection of the body near the top of the kidneys. Each of the two parts of the glands—the medulla and the cortex—produces a different set of hormones.

These hormones include cortisol, aldosterone, DHEA and androgenic steroids, and epinephrine, and norepinephrine.

Adrenal Insufficiency and Addison Disease

When the adrenal glands are not working correctly, several health issues can arise. These can include adrenal insufficiency, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Cushing Disease, Hyperaldosteronism, Pheochromocytoma, or Adrenal Cancer.

When the adrenal glands do not produce the necessary level of hormones, Adrenal Insufficiency, or Addison Disease, will occur. 

Unfortunately, once a person develops Addison's Disease, it will never go away, which is why it is imperative to be proactive with lab testing. If you catch issues before they get serious, there is a better chance of healing.

Signs and Symptoms of Adrenal Insufficiency and Addison Disease

The most common signs of Addison's Disease are:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Exhaustion
  • Pain around the adrenal glands
  • Skin darkening

This rare condition is onset by:

  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Infections
  • Cancer
  • Genetics

Lab Testing for Adrenal Insufficiency and Addison Disease

Several Addison Disease Tests are available through Ulta Labs. These tests cover a wide range of biomarkers and can help create a better understanding of where your health stands.

Adrenal Complete

Adrenal Complete is a panel with 8 tests that covers 41 biomarkers. This test will measure several factors, including a metabolic panel, cortisol levels, DHEA sulfate, iron levels, and magnesium. This test uses both saliva and blood specimen.

ULTA Adrenal Function Panel

The Adrenal Function Panel is a combination of 16 tests, which will review 77 biomarkers. This test takes both a saliva and blood specimen, and patients must fast for at least nine hours before.

The test will measure C-reactive protein, blood count, a metabolic panel, cortisol levels, DHEA sulfate, gamma-glutamyl transferase, hemoglobin, homocysteine, insulin levels, lactate dehydrogenase, lipid panel, magnesium levels, phosphate levels, vitamin D, D2, and D3, and uric acid.

STTM Adrenal Panel Total

The STTM Adrenal Panel Total test is a combination of 3 tests that will review 23 biomarkers. It covers aldosterone, a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), and magnesium levels.

The biomarkers reviewed in the CMP are albumin, the albumin/globulin ratio, alkaline phosphatase, alanine transaminase, aspartate aminotransferase, total bilirubin, the BUN and blood creatinine ratio, calcium levels, carbon dioxide levels, chloride levels, creatinine levels, glomerular filtration rate, globulin levels, insulin tolerance test, potassium levels, total protein levels, sodium levels, and blood urea nitrogen levels (BUN).

Benefits of Adrenal Insufficiency and Addison Disease Testing

Adrenal insufficiency tests are an important step to take control of your health and life. They are easy to complete and will provide you with a wealth of knowledge.

Better Understanding Your Body

Testing for adrenal insufficiency will cover a multitude of factors in your body. Understanding these levels and how they affect your body can help you make the necessary changes to get back on top of your health.

Catching Other Health Issues

Once you receive your test results, the levels you thought would be high could be right on track, but other levels may surprise you. This can open the door to other issues that could be affecting your health and the quality of your daily life.

Prevention of Addison's Disease

If you identify early that you are on a path towards Addison's disease, you can be proactive to get things under control. Perhaps a simple lifestyle change can improve levels and resolve any issues.

If you are genetically predisposed to Addison's Disease, tests can show you which biomarkers to monitor more closely and test more often.


If the testing does result in a diagnosis of Addison's Disease, there are several treatment options available. Patients with Addison's Disease can treat the problem by taking hormones to make up for the ones that are not produced by the adrenal glands.

Lifestyle changes can dramatically alter the side effects of the disease, as well as stress, and blood pressure management.

If the disease goes untreated, an Addisonian crisis can happen. This causes low blood pressure, low blood sugar, and high levels of potassium in the blood. These issues may be life-threatening and need immediate treatment.

Feel More Confident About Your Health

Understanding what is going on internally and learning how lifestyle changes can impact that is an empowering feeling.

Having more confidence when it comes to making decisions regarding your health may require a little time upfront, but the information Ulta Lab Tests provide you with can make it very attainable.

Testing with Ulta Lab Tests

Ulta Lab Tests offers tests that are highly accurate and reliable so you can make informed decisions about your health. You can always guarantee secure and confidential results.

You do not need insurance or a doctor's referral to schedule your test. Ulta Lab Tests provides affordable pricing and 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Order your Adrenal Insufficiency and Addison Disease Tests today. Results can be viewed online in 24 to 48 hours. Take charge of your health and track your progress with Ulta Lab Tests.