Menstrual Irregularities Test Panel

The following is a list of what is included in the item above. Click the test(s) below to view what biomarkers are measured along with an explanation of what the biomarker is measuring.

Also known as: DHEA Dehydroepiandrosterone Unconjugated LCMSMS


DHEA-sulfate test measures the amount of DHEA-sulfate in the blood. DHEA-sulfate is a weak male hormone (androgen) produced by the adrenal gland in both men and women. This test is done to check the function of the adrenal glands. The adrenal gland is one of the major sources of androgens in women. The DHEA-sulfate test is often done in women who have male body characteristics (virilism) or excessive hair growth (hirsutism). It is also done in children who are maturing too early (precocious puberty).


Estradiol (estradiol-17 beta, E2) is part of an estrogen that is a group of steroids that regulate the menstrual cycle and function as the main female sex hormones. Estrogens are responsible for the development of female sex organs and secondary sex characteristics and are tied to the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. They are considered the main sex hormones in women and are present in small quantities in men. Estradiol (E2) is the predominant form of estrogen and is produced primarily in the ovaries with additional amounts produced by the adrenal glands in women and in the testes and adrenal glands in men. Estradiol levels are used in evaluating ovarian function. Estradiol levels are increased in cases of early (precocious) puberty in girls and gynecomastia in men. Its main use has been in the differential diagnosis of amenorrhea – for example, to determine whether the cause is menopause, pregnancy, or a medical problem. In assisted reproductive technology (ART), serial measurements are used to monitor follicle development in the ovary in the days prior to in vitro fertilization. Estradiol is also sometimes used to monitor menopausal hormone replacement therapy.

Also known as: Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone



Also known as: Testosterone, Testosterone Total LCMSMS, Testosterone, Total


A testosterone test measures the amount of the male hormone, testosterone, in the blood. Both men and women produce this hormone. In males, the testicles produce most of the testosterone in the body. Levels are most often checked to evaluate signs of low testosterone: In boys -- early or late puberty and in men -- impotence, low level of sexual interest, infertility, thinning of the bones In females, the ovaries produce most of the testosterone and levels are most often checked to evaluate signs of higher testosterone levels, such as: decreased breast size, excess hair growth, increased size of the clitoris. irregular or absent menstrual periods and male-pattern baldness or hair thinning.

Also known as: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), Thyrotropin


A TSH test is a lab test that measures the amount of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in your blood. TSH is produced by the pituitary gland. It tells the thyroid gland to make and release thyroid hormones into the blood.


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The Menstrual Irregularities Test Panel panel contains 5 tests with 7 biomarkers .

Brief Description: The Menstrual Irregularities Test Panel is a comprehensive collection of tests designed to evaluate hormonal levels and other factors that can contribute to irregular menstrual cycles. Menstrual irregularities can manifest as variations in the length, frequency, duration, or intensity of menstrual bleeding and are often indicative of underlying hormonal imbalances or health issues.

Collection Method: Blood Draw

Specimen Type: Serum

Test Preparation: No preparation required

Tests included in the Menstrual Irregularities Test Panel

  1. DHEA Unconjugated (Dehydroepiandrosterone): This test measures the level of DHEA, an androgen hormone primarily produced by the adrenal glands. DHEA serves as a precursor to more potent androgens and estrogens. Abnormal levels can contribute to menstrual irregularities and other health issues like PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome).

  2. Estradiol: Estradiol is the primary form of estrogen in women of reproductive age. It plays a key role in regulating the menstrual cycle and maintaining reproductive health. Imbalances in estradiol levels can lead to menstrual irregularities, fertility issues, and symptoms of menopause.

  3. FSH and LH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone): These hormones, produced by the pituitary gland, are central to the regulation of the menstrual cycle. FSH stimulates the ovaries to produce mature eggs, while LH triggers ovulation. Imbalances in these hormones can result in irregular or absent menstrual periods.

  4. Testosterone Total: Although primarily known as a male hormone, testosterone is also present in women and is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. Elevated testosterone levels in women can lead to menstrual irregularities and symptoms of androgen excess, such as hirsutism.

  5. TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone): TSH is produced by the pituitary gland and regulates thyroid function. Thyroid disorders, both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, can significantly affect the menstrual cycle.

When and Why the Menstrual Irregularities Test Panel May Be Ordered

The Menstrual Irregularities Test Panel is typically ordered when a woman experiences symptoms of menstrual irregularities, which can include absent periods (amenorrhea), infrequent periods (oligomenorrhea), excessively heavy or prolonged periods (menorrhagia), or irregular periods. These symptoms can significantly impact a woman’s quality of life and reproductive health.

This panel helps in diagnosing the underlying causes of these irregularities. It is particularly useful for evaluating conditions like PCOS, thyroid disorders, early menopause, or hormonal imbalances. Understanding the cause is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan.

What the Menstrual Irregularities Test Panel Checks For

The Menstrual Irregularities Test Panel evaluates various hormones and factors that play a significant role in the menstrual cycle:

  • DHEA Unconjugated: Assesses adrenal gland function and androgen excess which can disrupt menstrual regularity.
  • Estradiol: Evaluates estrogen levels, providing insights into ovarian function and its impact on menstrual health.
  • FSH and LH: Helps to assess ovarian reserve and function, as well as potential pituitary gland issues that can affect the menstrual cycle.
  • Testosterone Total: Measures the level of testosterone to identify androgen excess, which is a hallmark of conditions like PCOS.
  • TSH: Screens for thyroid function abnormalities, as both overactive and underactive thyroid can lead to menstrual disturbances.

The Menstrual Irregularities Test Panel is a vital tool for investigating the hormonal and physiological factors contributing to menstrual cycle irregularities. By identifying the root causes, healthcare providers can offer targeted treatments to address these menstrual concerns effectively.

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