Learn How It Works
It's as easy as 1, 2, 3
Order your tests
Get your blood drawn
Receive your results on-line
The Pharmacist submits the order for the lab tests that the patient has requested on their secure pharmacy portal.
- The patient selects the tests and shares with their Pharmacist the lab tests that they would like to have ordered.
- The pharmacy staff places the patient’s order and processes the patient’s payment through our safe and secure payment system.
The Pharmacist provides to the patient:
- The lab test requisition order to take to the Patient Service Center (PSC).
- Instructions and any special directions that may be required to prepare for the specimen collection.
- Patient receipt for the lab test purchase.
- The patient will also receive an automated confirmation email receipt from Ulta Lab Tests along with instructions to create their own confidential Ulta Lab Tests account where they can review their results.
The patient may select and order their lab tests on the pharmacy’s co-branded microsite provided by Ulta Lab Tests. The patient can:
- Research and select their lab tests or wellness package online with or without the guidance of their Pharmacist or Physician.
- Create or login into their confidential Ulta Lab Tests account.
- Select and purchase their tests online through our safe and secure payment system.
- Print their receipt for the lab tests ordered.
- Print their lab test requisition after checkout to take to the Patient Service Center (PSC).
Your patient can have their blood drawn at one of our partners 2,500 Patient Service Centers located across the United States (with the exception of NJ, NY and RI).
- In the order process the Pharmacist, if placing the order, or the patient if placing the order directly, will be asked to select a Patient Service Center (PSC) to have the blood drawn or specimen collected.
- If the patient places their lab test order online, they will be prompted to select a PSC that is convenient to them.
- If the pharmacy team places the lab test order on behalf of the patient, the pharmacy will provide the patient choices of PSC’s that are convenient to them using our zip code search function.
- The patient has the option to change the location of the PSC selected on their online portal at any time after their order has been placed.
- The patient will take their PSC Requisition with them to the PSC to have their blood drawn (specimen collected).
- The PSC Requisition is required. It contains the list of the lab tests to be performed and instructions for the patient to follow.
- If the lab test or wellness package requires fasting, then the patient must fast for 12 hours or as directed prior to the blood draw (special instructions will be noted on the patient’s lab requisition order).
Your patients review their test results and biomarkers using our online system.
- Within a few business days following the collection of their blood (specimen), your patient will receive an email notification that their results are available (occasionally, complex tests may take between 7-10 business days for results).
- Your patient’s results will be uploaded into their private and secure healthcare dashboard.
- The patient will log in and view intuitive charts that display their data, along with explanations of their biomarkers to assist them in understanding their results.
- Easy to read PDF's of the tests results are also available to print and share with their Pharmacist, Physician or other healthcare provider.
Your patients’ personalized health dashboard makes it easy for them to view diagnostic changes that occur between their blood tests, allowing them to adjust their wellness plan for even better health. Their practitioner can review their unique biomarkers, and discuss personalized recommendations tailored to their specific needs and goals.
You can encourage your patients to track their progress, consult with their Physician or healthcare provider, and retest as directed.
We recommend that your patient share and review their results with their Physician and healthcare providers; however, it is entirely up to the patient whether to share their test results.