Metabolic Tests

Metabolic Lab Tests and health information

Our metabolic tests measure 14 distinct substances in your blood and provide you with vital information about your metabolism, liver, and kidney health. 

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

  • Undesirable weight 
  • Added weight 
  • Chronic fatigue 
  • abdominal ache 
  • vomit and nausea 
  • Appetite loss 
  • Unsatisfied hunger and thirst 
  • Skin alterations include color changes, bruising, thinning, and delayed healing.

If so, it might be a sign that you're suffering from a metabolic disorder. Metabolic disorders are conditions that affect how your body breaks down food and turns it into energy. They can also cause changes in your metabolism, leading to weight gain or loss. 

We offer a wide range of lab tests to diagnose and monitor metabolic illnesses such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, liver disease, renal disease, and more.

More information about Metabolic disorders and lab testing may be found by clicking here.

A metabolic disorder may evolve into a metabolic syndrome if you have these five risk factors. 

  • higher blood pressure (130/85 mmHg) 
  • high blood sugar (insulin resistance) 
  • excess fat around the waist.
  • high triglyceride levels.
  • low HDL (good cholesterol) levels

Metabolic syndrome is a condition identified by the inability of the body's metabolic system to work correctly. In sum, it is a collection of metabolic disorders. If left untreated, these conditions lead to diabetes and cardiovascular disease, among other health problems. The good news is that there are lab tests available for early detection and monitoring, so you can take action to prevent future complications from arising before it becomes too late!

If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above and/or risk factors for metabolic syndrome, we can assist you in taking control of your health. Select from our lab tests listed below to help you figure out what sort of condition you have so you can get the support you need as soon as possible. Use these lab tests to track changes and monitor treatments you are undergoing to ensure that everything is going as planned.

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Lab Tests to Identify and Monitor Metabolic Disorders

More than one in three adults in the United States has metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a condition identified by the inability of the body's metabolic system to work properly. In sum, it is a collection of metabolic disorders.

Considering that metabolic disorders are so common, it's likely that you or someone you know has a metabolic disorder of some kind. These disorders can make it harder to control weight and energy.

To learn more about metabolic disorders and what metabolic tests you can take for them, keep reading.

What Are Metabolic Disorders?

By definition, a metabolic disorder is a condition in which the body's metabolism isn't functioning correctly. This broad categorization means that there is a wide range of classifications, causes, symptoms, and treatments.

Metabolism is the collection of processes that turn food into energy. These processes are chemical and hormonal, meaning that they can affect the whole body. 

Given that metabolism is a collection of many processes, different kinds of metabolic disorders can arise when different processes aren't working correctly.

A metabolic disorder may form from an incorrect enzyme, a faulty energy system, or a diseased organ.

Risk Factors for Metabolic Disorders

Unfortunately, there isn't a way to completely prevent metabolic disorders. The majority of these conditions are genetic.

Given that the true cause of these disorders is unknown, there is no way to determine absolute risk factors.

However, there are a few correlations that physicians and scientists have made. From those correlations, the medical community has determined that the risk factors for type II diabetes are closely tied to patients who have metabolic disorders.

Here are those risk factors:

  • Excess body fat
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Inactivity
  • Dehydration

By taking care of your body, you may improve your symptoms associated with metabolic syndrome. If it feels like your condition has hijacked your body, you may need to speak with your healthcare provider about further interventions.

Causes of Metabolic Disorders

As we briefly mentioned, there is no definitive cause for most metabolic disorders. Most of these conditions are passed down through genetics.

Our genes tell our bodies how to perform certain metabolic processes. Sometimes, these genes mutate and give incorrect directions, causing a changed enzyme or incorrect chemical to perform metabolic processes. 

If a mutation happens somewhere in the genetic line, that mutation can go down to offspring for generations.

Few metabolic disorders aren't passed down through genetics. These likely occur because of a disease process in the body or a damaged organ or gland. The most common examples are the pancreas in diabetes and the thyroid in thyroid disorders. 

Patients with these kinds of metabolic issues can find some relief with treatment. However, there is no guarantee that the patient's symptoms will be completely relieved with the treatment of their condition.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Metabolic Disorders?

Because metabolic disorders affect the entire body, their symptoms are widespread and plentiful. The signs that you may notice will depend on the kind of metabolic disorder you have.

For example, patients with Graves disease (an autoimmune disease of the thyroid associated with hyperthyroidism) may lose weight with their metabolic disorder. On the other hand, patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease of the thyroid associated with hypothyroidism) may gain weight with their metabolic disorder.

Here are the common signs and symptoms for all kinds of metabolic disorders:

  • Unintended weight loss
  • Unexpected weight gain
  • Chronic lack of energy
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Decreased appetite
  • Feeling hungry and thirsty despite already eating and drinking
  • Changes to the skin such as color changes, bruising easily, thinning, and healing slowly

Children and babies with metabolic disorders may experience developmental delays. You may notice that they aren't reaching developmental milestones like their peers are.

How Are Metabolic Disorders Diagnosed?

First, your healthcare provider will talk to you about any family history you may have of metabolic disorders. Then, they'll evaluate the symptoms that you're presenting.

From there, the physician may choose to order metabolic blood tests to see if the chemicals and hormones in your blood are at optimal levels. These tests will also give them insight into how to help you control your disorder if you have one.

The Lab Tests to Screen, Diagnose, and Monitor Metabolic Disorders

At Ulta Lab Tests, we have extensive testing for metabolic disorders. We test for all of the following biomarkers:

By getting all of these tests done, you'll be able to know more about your body. In turn, you can make better decisions about your health and understand your metabolic pathway better.

Get Your Metabolic Tests With Ulta Lab Tests

If you believe that you could have a metabolic disorder, you should order metabolic lab tests. The results will give you valuable information about your body that you need to make better decisions about your health.

Luckily, Ulta Lab Tests offer highly accurate and reliable metabolic blood tests. Here are a few of the benefits that you'll experience with Ulta Lab Tests:

  • You'll get secure and confidential results
  • You don't need health insurance
  • You don't need a physician's referral
  • You'll get affordable pricing
  • We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee

Order your metabolic tests today, and we'll provide your results securely and confidentially online in 24 to 48 hours for most tests.

Take control of your health with Ulta Lab Tests today!