Employer Wellness Registration

If you have already completed this step please click here to login and complete the onboarding process.


Below is your unique account url which can be used by your employees to purchase tests from the comfort of their home. Please submit your request that best represents your business. If your company has a website it is recommended that you use your domain name (excluding the www. and .com) instead of your company name. Note: Use lowercase letters and numbers ONLY, no spaces or symbols are allowed.


Account Administrator


The email address and password you enter below will be used to access your Portal where you will be able to place and track your orders and manage your account.

Password Requirements:
  • Must be at least 8 Characters long
  • Must include 1 Upper Case letter
  • Must include 1 lower Case letter
  • Must include 1 number
  • Must include 1 special character
    Acceptable Characters: @, #, ?, !, $, %, ^, &, _, *, -
  • Passwords Match